Here is my last post on my introduction to the Developer Productivity series, including the 1st Law of building efficient habits.
The 2nd Law is to Make It Attractive.
- A good point would be to think about Temptation Bundling. Which is pair an action you want to do, with an action you need to do.
For example, you want to attend a meeting but your favorite Youtube channel or podcast dropped a new episode/video. You can tell yourself: "After my lunch break, I will attend meeting(need)" "After my meeting, I will listen to podcast or watch YT video(want)"
- Join a culture where your desired behavior is the normal behavior and you already have something in common with the group. If you're learning a new programming language or want to network with other devs, you can consider joining a new Slack channel or even a Discord server. You'll never know what else you'll learn and who you'll meet!
- Create a motivation ritual: Focus on the meaning in what you do and ask yourself why you do it in the first place. Focus on the journey and treat yourself for working hard! Words of affirmation play an important part in this role. It is telling yourself that rest is best and you deserve it. Try and feel accomplished for what you do, even in small ways. Reward yourself! Rewards give you something to look forward to after a long day.
And that's a wrap! Next will be the 3rd Law, which I am looking forward to publishing soon. Please look forward to it!